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  • Do you actually "see" spirit animals?"
    I do not see them with my eyes, I see them with my mind. I basically sense that they are there and can visualize how they are acting or what they are doing.
  • How can I find my spirit animal?
    I offer a fair priced service where I find your spirit animal for you, explain why that spirit animal is your spirit animal, teach you how to harness their wisdom and power, and explain some basic teachings about spirit animals that most people tend to skip over but are still very important. There are meditations out there, both free and paid, that you can do. However, those methods can be tricky, take multiple attempts, and you may still walk away not fulling knowing what your spirit animal actually is. I have been doing this for many years and I can confidently say I will find your spirit animal for you. However, it is still your decision in the end if you want to try to find your spirit animal on your own or not. Some people can in fact find their spirit animal themselves through meditation. If you cannot, my services are here for you.
  • Why can't I just find my spirit animal myself?
    Through meditation, you absolutely can. However, the meditation process can be rather difficult for some people and after many attempts they still can come up without connecting to their spirit animal. Also, with my service, I find your spirit animal for you, teach you how to connect with it, harness its wisdom and power, how to communicate with it, and how to imbue your spirit animal into an item that you can carry around with you at all times.
  • Why can't I just take an online quiz to find my spirit animal?
    I know that those silly online quizzes can be fun, but there are only so many animals in one of those quizzes and its all done by computer algorithms that ask you very vague questions that most people cannot give a 100% honest answer on or come back later and change their mind on an answer. To put it simple, its like asking WebMD or Google what is wrong with you instead of going to a professional doctor.
  • Why should I choose your service over someone else?
    For years I have looked throughout different spiritual communities both in person and online and I have yet to find another person who is able to accurately find someone’s Power Animal (spirit animal) and not only explain to the person why that animal is connected to them but also explain the different kinds of spirit animals and how they each play a role in that person’s life. Most people I come across that offer to “find your spirit animal” do in fact find a spirit animal around you. However, there is so much more depth to it as there are multiple kinds of spirit animals. Most people, when they ask what their spirit animal is, they want to know what animal is bound to them for this lifetime. That is the real definition of a Power Animal. What most other readers actually see when they “find your spirit animal” is either one of your totem animals or just a messenger animal. Both of which are important too, but they change throughout your lifetime, unlike your Power Animal which remains the same until death.
  • How long have you had your gifts?
    I could "see" or sense animals around people since I was a child. That ability went away for a while during some of my teenage years as I battled some of my own personal demons, but ended up coming back stronger than ever around seventeen or eighteen. As for being able to interpret dreams, it is both a blessing and a curse. I am a dreamwalker which is a whole discussion on its own, but the main point is I have had very vivid dreams all my life. Many bore messages, and from the help of a family friend, I learned how to decipher them.
  • Did you make all of the images on your website?
    Yes, I went to school for graphic design and have some years under my belt as a photoshop artist as well.
  • What is your spirit animal?
    Mine is a female (momma) grizzly bear named Oshawa. I often call her my second mother. I found my spirit animal through meditation, and have strengthened the bond through dreamwalking with her in other realities. And yes, I do see her around me just as I see other people's spirit animals around them. She has helped me immensely throughout the years, more then I fully realize.
  • Do you have anyother gifts or services?
    I do. However, not all of my gifts or services are used or needed as frequently as what I have listed here on my website. Some other services I have done include house/entity clearing, energy work, and an assortment of Astral Tribe teachings and work. Just like any profession, I am constantly learning new things, continuing to unravel more of my gifts, and honing my skills. I am both a teacher and a student in all of these areas.
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